Made in Bermondsey is the name chosen for 2m regeneration programme to revitalise the Blue, which is Bermondsey’s historic town centre.
A community campaign led by Blue Bermondsey BID was successful in securing the £2m capital funding from the Mayor of London’s LEAP Good Growth Fund, supported by Southwark Council who helped to shape the application.
Locally based Turner prize winning collective, Assemble and architects Hayatsu were appointed to deliver the programme and in June 2019 produced draft designs for the first phase of the project, which were revised alongside ongoing work with the partner groups.
From July to October 2019 a variety of public consultation events were held at Made in Bermondsey HQ. During this period, over 700 responses were submitted via drop in sessions, community activities and the online survey.
Hayatsu Architects and Assemble prioritised the designs based on the public input and the works finally began in January 2021 with the main works to the Market Place completed in July 2021.

The Made in Bermondsey Community-Led Regeneration Programme aims to transform the Blue into a thriving area, once more recognised and celebrated as Bermondsey’s historic town centre.
Additionally the project will build upon The Blue’s identity as the Larder of London, cemented by legendary brands such as Peek Freans biscuits and Branston Pickle and recognise the emerging range of local 21st century food production businesses, centred around a thriving and authentic local market hosting the cream of new makers, regular cultural events alongside a thriving High St and a booming local business community.
Project Objectives – This programme relates to all three strategic challenges:
The key actions are:
Develop civic infrastructure and deliver community-led regeneration
Developing and implementing an holistic area based renewal strategy for the Blue Market
Revitalising the high street, public realm and community assets
Enhancing the experience and multi-functionality of local high street
Create new walking and cycling links, enhanced with better signage and wayfinding
Intensify London’s local economies by backing and supporting small business
Meanwhile use of empty premises for business incubator, social enterprise and community purposes
Developing new models of shared use for business incubation, makers, social enterprise, charities, community
Promoting skill sharing and vocational training
Enhance public spaces
Supporting Council’s new asset management strategy for publicly owned commercial property
Refurbishing and community assets and promoting local management in area
Delivering affordable shared spaces
Share culture
Bringing wider community together around common spaces, promoting collaboration, social integration
More Planting and greening and promoting health and wellbeing
Events celebrating local culture, community art and murals
Co-design and co-production
The funding is allocated to be used for:
Improvements to Market Place
Improvements to High St Shop Fronts
Improvements to Community Buildings
Creating Pop Up Shops in Empty Units
Supporting New Local Business
Improving Grot Spots With More Greening And Murals
New Walking And Cycling Routes
Better Signage And Wayfinding To The Blue